Friday, May 8, 2020

The Five Rules Im Trying to Live By - When I Grow Up

The Five Rules Im Trying to Live By - When I Grow Up Ohmygosh you guys, I so heart this post by Stacy Kathryn, a former client o mine who is just so honest and truthful and transparent in sharing her journey. I have a feeling lots of you can relate working a day job + running your creative biz on the side (doesnt that kind of belittle all the work youre doing? Its hardly on the side when youre most likely devoting enough time/effort/work to it that its become a part-time job!) and I just love what shes realizing, owning and claiming below. You can read Stacys previous guest posts for me here and here. Genius, all! I am always running behind. Or at least it feels that way, and a quick perusal of my blog postings will tell you that its a common theme with me. In my mind, Im an overachiever with grand plans and schemes, and sparkling visions of fruitful, productive outcomes. But in reality, my best laid plans tangle hopelessly together like whats left of my next-door neighbors Christmas lights, still clinging tenaciously (in mid-March) to their rain gutters. I have a day job (which Ive been advised numerous times not to quit, har-har), Im an artist, and I do freelance design work, which I now understand where that free part comes from. Ive got blogs to update, websites to redesign, paintings topaint, an Etsy shop to maintain, not to mention the usual never-ending, yet somehow satisfying, cycle of housework and laundry. Oh, and theres Charlie, my emotionally clingy, recently adopted Labrador who growls at me if I stop petting him for a moment. Im sure many of you can relate that feeling of trying to swim upstream in a raging river of to-do lists and Post-it reminders. So at the beginning of this month, I let a lot of things go until I could regroup (as they say in Corporate Land) and figure out a new plan. I havent blogged, fiddled with my website, or posted new items to my shop, and there is a fine layer of dust in my art studio covering everything. Im making a conscious effort to slow down, examine where Im at right now and where I want to be. Well, as you probably well know, despite millions of self-help books and articles and smartphone apps, there is never one perfect plan for everyone. But at least we can all, as an online community, offer up what works for us individually and hope that someone else can benefit from it in some way. Snappy names and clever acronyms be damned, I give you the awkwardly titled: Stacys Five More or Less Rules or Tips For Staying Sane While Getting Things Accomplished and Not Falling Behind, In No Particular Order of Importance YOU Set The Pace Its your business, and yes its good to have deadlines and structure, but set up a pace that is reasonable and works for you. Pay attention to how much time certain tasks take you, so you have a better idea for next time. Make Reasonable Goals I have a tendency to overdo my to-dos for the week, ignoring the fact that I wont likely have time to create a new illustration, move a website live for my client AND restore peace to the Middle East in the few free hours I have each evening. And then Im disappointed with myself. Maybe instead of stressing over what didnt get done at the weeks end, I shouldve been more realistic with my list up front. Its a great feeling when you set goals that are actually achievable, and manage to reach them. Plan Ahead This may have been a New Years resolution of mine as well, but I cant remember (its on a Post-it somewhere, which Ive since misplaced.) But Im giving this another try. Although it seems like utter nonsense to actually start on something early, when theres Oh So Much Time Yet, give it a try. Plan ahead, expect there to be snags and allow time to sort things out as they arise. It seems too nerdy, like that smug kid in class who always handed in his term paper a week early, but the relief of not doing everything last minute is something I can really get used to! Follow Through Its not just a great little ditty by singer-songwriter Gavin Degraw. Its sound advice too! If you take on a job, if you have a task to complete, then see it through. (This coming from a gal who cant finish a book she borrowed from a friend 8 months ago, but hear me out.) Sometimes itll be something youre excited about doing in the first place. Sometimes it means grudgingly pushing through a project youve committed to despite what it entails. Other times the task may demand shifting your priorities and schedules around to accommodate it. But it will always feel great to complete it, cross it off your list, step back and admire it proudly. Ask Yourself If This Is Making You Happy Boy, do we love our cliches, use the whole Lifes too short business and we nod fervently and agree with such a statement, and then go back to our rut in life, because its just easier. Get that cup of hazelnut coffee and get back to the daily grind, right? I know life is inherently not supposed to be a constant ball of fun. But you have a surprising amount of sway/influence as to how things turn out for you. Look, I know we are all very busy. Theres errands to run, Twitter feeds to follow, checkbooks to balance but take a moment and seriously evaluate your current situation. If you are not having fun at all, and arent happy, rethink just why it is you are doing what you are doing. Its difficult to believe, and maybe more difficult to turn that mighty ship around now, as fast as shes steaming in her current bearing. But its possible to change directions in your life, and youre empowered to do it. I think that what Ive come up with will work for me, but like anything thats worthwhile, itll take a little effort and awareness so I dont slip back into my old ways. Im keeping things manageable, and trying to do what makes me happy. Im hoping to reach some solid goals this year, and Im already finding that setting up those rules and realizing that I am in control of how I feel are big steps towards achieving them. I really hope at least some of what Ive drummed up will be of use to you too. Have you found yourself in my shoes? What are you doing to stay ahead and maintain your sanity at the same time? Id love to know, so share with me below!   Stacy Kathryn is an artist, and dreamer who loves to spend time creating mixed media paintings, illustrations and anything else she can dream up. Though her life has taken many twists and turns her passion for art has been a constant companion. She hopes to share her enthusiasm and inspire others to embrace change and creativity.  website: etsy shop:

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